Monday, November 25, 2019

American Complexity Professor Ramos Blog

American Complexity The American identity is subjective. It differs for each individual and though it may be similar between people it is not one hundred percent the same for any two people. One of the key factors of someone’s American identity is race. The American identity and life of a white person differs greatly from that of a Black person’s. Historically it has been shown that Black Americans have had to fight systematic oppression and unethical treatment for hundreds of years which lead to their fight for equal rights. To understand the difference of American identities it is important to look at these struggles they had to overcome and how their race and race specific struggles affected their life as Americans and their American identities. The life of a Black American and the American identity of a Black person are very unique to their race. It is no secret that throughout America’s history Black people have had a disadvantage placed on them at birth. To specify this to the time period of the pieces of work it’s important to focus on the fact that the main legal and social disadvantages Black people have faced. Around the times W.E.B. Du Bois and Langston Hughes released their works racism and Jim Crow laws (laws that enforced segregation in schools, railroads, public places and also the outlawing of miscegenation)were the main issues Black Americans had to deal with. While they were free from slavery they were anything but free from the systematic oppression they endured for so long and were not seen as equal until the civil rights movement. It is also important to focus on the effect the memory of slavery also had effects on Black Americans. For those around closer to Du Bois’s younger years a lot of them were slaves or had family that were so for them it was very real and even for those around when he was older it was their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts all who had stories to tell about the pain they had gone through during slavery. The way in which Black Americans lived and continue to do so has been with a double consciousness as written about in The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois. He described it as â€Å"sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of the others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity†. By bringing up this double consciousness and explaining it in the way he does he shows how for Black Americans they were never allowed to just naturally feel American because they were always seen as other. He went on to write it was twoness, an American and a Black man with two souls all trapped into one body. In this same work Du Bois uses the symbolism of a veil which represented the color line which is what determined peopled access to opportunities based on their race. He first brought it up with the line â€Å"I was different from the others; or like, mayhap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out from their world by a vast veil.† This pinpoints the exact moment he felt a division from white people since before this he had never seen himself as different. The veil is a veil that exists only in people’s minds and white people, whether they realize it or not, use it to structure society in a racist way. Du Bois saw it as what stopped white people from seeing Black people as Americans or treating them as equals. This veil in that sense can be seen as the cause of most, if not all, racial tensions in this country because it is what has prevented equality and freedom of Black Americans. He also claims that the veil is always present even though it is not felt at all times. It even takes time to even be realized such as the case of du bois who did not realize it until a classmate treated him differently because of his race. Both these ideas of double consciousness and a veil are what help contribute to the complexity of what an American identity is and how it can be defined and lead to its uniqueness for each individual. The concept of double consciousness can also be felt in some of the works of Langston Hughes. In Theme for English B Hughes wrote â€Å"You are white-, yet a part of me, as I am a part of you. That’s America.† This line shows the division felt by making the races of both the author and teacher known so the reader is aware but shows that though there is that difference that both people are a part of America. This is also present in the line â€Å"I guess you learn from me-, although you’re older- and white-, and somewhat more free† from the same poem. Again Hughes is showing the divide and difference between him and the teacher but also ties in legal issues of the time by hinting at them with the mention of the teacher being free. The theme of being different but also similar is also present in Hughes’s poem I, Too in the line â€Å"They’ll see how beautiful I am, and be ashamed-, I, too, am American† this line follows lines from the perspective of a slave describing always being sent to eat in the kitchen alone but knowing one day he will be invited to the table and shows how even though he is being sent away and treated like an outsider he knows he is an American and feels the connection despite it all and shows a hope that change will come and unity will outweigh the division. It was these ideas presented in both and sense of hope in the ending of I, Too were what helped push the civil rights movement. Black Americans felt this division but wanted equality so that the division could be lessened because they knew that though they were not treated as such they were also Americans and knew they deserved the same freedom white people already had. Though freedom was give and Black people no longer have to use their own restrooms the feeling of double consciousness and division were not so easily diminished. These ideas of double consciousness and a veil re still present today in ways such as Black people, men especially, have had to come to the realization that though they are American they are seen as an outsider by many. They have issues such as being killed unarmed and innocent by police officers like how Black Americans in the past had to struggle with Jim Crow laws. It is also extremely dangerous for Black Trans women because their life expectancy is only thirty five. They are also present in the fact many Black parents have to give their kids a special talk about race and how they have to work twice as hard as white people do to even get a foot in the door. That talk ties in to the poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes because it’s a poem of a mother telling her son that her life has been hard and that she has worked extremely hard to get to where she is and is encouraging him to work hard and not give up and while the poem doesn’t specify whether her race affected her come up it can be assumed it did life wasn’t easy for Black people especially Black women during her time. The idea of the veil is also still present in ways such as black people being fired or kept from getting jobs for having corn rows or locks but so many white people are praised in fashion and online for doing their hair like that despite it having a deep important background to the Black community. It is also seen in many white people having no issue with the police and getting angry or defensive when a Black person voices their opinion about the police force as if they haven’t had to watch their community die innocent at the hands of the police for centuries while they continue to have protest and have activist be vocal and seen despite nothing ever changing or being handled in a way that actually helps them. In conclusion, race is an important factor in how people live their lives in America. It has been that way since the beginning of our country and continues today. Double consciousness causes people, Black people especially in context to this essay, to be hyper aware of how they are perceived and judged by society and how to act to avoid danger while the veil aids oppression. It is an ongoing issue that has continued for centuries in American culture. These themes have been evident in the works of Black people for centuries depicting the struggle and fight and they had to endure in this country from its beginning and still to this day. Works cited BOIS, WEB DU. SOULS OF BLACK FOLK. BLURB, 2019. Hughes, Langston. â€Å"Langston Hughes.† The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Vol. 2: 1865 to the Present, W.W. Norton Company, 2013, pp. 1037–1045.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 7 - Essay Example A number of books and movies have been written and made on how the war affected the lives of people as well as modern societies around the world. The major power countries lost millions of soldiers; these brave men fought hard and sacrificed their lives ultimately. However, the war also affected civilians and people from everyday walks of life that had no hand in it. The face of politics, economies around the world, as well as public opinion underwent a strong change because of the First World War. Germany was at large made to pay for the reparation of the damages that it had caused all around the globe, and most other countries tried to adopt a more liberal path of government in order to serve the people better and establish democracies. There was widespread inflation all around as people were forced to pay high sums of money for the basic necessities of life. Industrialization had not yet taken a strong hold over many countries, however, it began to, because people were in vast nee d of jobs. Pay cuts were rampant as more and more people began to die early and were not able to afford food for their families. The use of human labour also declined a great deal as more and more machines came into use. The effect of the War on civilians thus was such that it had a long term impact on their lives. Entire families were affected in a bad way due to the down sloped economy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Does management have responsibility to provide job satisfaction to its Research Paper

Does management have responsibility to provide job satisfaction to its employees - Research Paper Example Maslows theory further explains that the low need level of needs need to be satisfied in order to avoid unpleasant consequences (Aziri, 2011). Some of these needs are food, sleep, warmth and other basic needs. For employers to meet these needs, they might probably provide food in the office to avoid unnecessary movement around the work area and probably install air conditioning to cater for the extremely hot or cold seasons. As these basic needs are met, they also start upgrading. At this point, they also feel that social and psychological needs need to be met. They start: believing in themselves and therefore, their self-esteem becomes distinct, wanting to be accepted socially, shown appreciation in the work place and they start feeling a strong sense of self-actualization to be able to develop as an employee (Luvisangra, 2012). This entire process brings about job satisfaction and increases production for the company. Incentives are also crucial for job satisfaction. Any employee who works tremendously hard in their workplace deserves to be appreciated. Incentives can be in the form of gifts, shopping vouchers, trips or the title of employee of the month (University of Alberta, 2012). Evaluations of whether or not the employees are satisfied should be conducted often. These evaluations are audits. There are many audits from financial; operational to follow up audits, but the best is the type that ensures that the emotions going round in the work place are unveiled, without necessarily identifying the names of the employees who feel a certain way. Confidentiality should be of the essence when conducting these evaluations. Audits are also supremely pertinent to examine whether security measures are effectual in the work place. The different forms of management can also affect job satisfaction considerably. There are two types of viewpoints that stand out; the classical and behavioral viewpoints. While classical management is divided into

Monday, November 18, 2019

Week 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 11 - Essay Example 2.) Caputo admits to joining the Marines for two reasons: he was incredibly bored in the suburbs where he had grown up; and he was swept up in the romanticism of John F. Kennedy’s Camelot. Caputo’s basic training experience was, like all Marines, even today, one of character and physical strength building. Creating a sense of camaraderie and loyalty and, most importantly, a willingness to sacrifice one’s own life for the virtues of America (God, Corp, Country). By the time Caputo did his second tour and was reassigned to headquarters, he had already begun to have an â€Å"affected† take on the war and the government and society. Once assigned to headquarters, his job was to make sure that there was a â€Å"body count.† A count that was fact or fiction in the favor of the American victory and success in Vietnam. Caputo was completely disillusioned. 3.) Caputo had a loyalty to his men, his corp, because that was what had been drilled into him during his basic training experience. Even when his feelings about the military and government began to sour, as a leader in the Marines, Caputo was concerned about the men with whom he was charged to lead; and developed the bonds of men together in a war environment. 4.) Caputo’s experience as an inexperienced young lieutenant was one rooted in fear; fear of losing control, fear of losing a man, fear of losing his own life. He was completely – and admits to it – unprepared for the reality of the environment and the experience of war. It was nothing, he wrote, like the way they rehearsed it in the woods of Virginia or North Carolina. In this way, his experience was somewhat like that of Frederic in A Farewell to Arms. 5.) From Caputo’s book it was possible to gain a sense of what the mood in America was before, during, and after the war – and from a hindsight is 20/20

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of the telecommunications industry in China

Analysis of the telecommunications industry in China Vodafone is a London-based major telecommunication firm employing over 84,000 employees worldwide as of 2010. They are in more than 20 countries and have partnership in another 40 more for total revenue in 2010 of  £44 billion.  [1]  There focus is on RD and license management which make Vodafone a leader in new technology and product development. With this reputation, a lot of local companies can be interested in partnership with Vodafone in order to gain a technological boost which can help them overtake on the local competition. In 2000, Vodafone added CMHK (China Mobile Hong Kong) to his partner list by buying 2.19% of the company shares at a price of $2.5 billion. Two years later a second purchase of $750 million increased their share to 3.2%. By creating this partnership, Vodafone gained access to over 477 million subscribers in Hong Kong and China. From CMHK side, the alliance with the British firm set the table for a technological innovation campaign. The first remarkable output of this collaboration was JIL (Joint Innovation Lab), with the goal of accelerating the innovation process.  [2]   China and the WTO -How has Chinas entry into the WTO affected Vodafones development in China and Hong Kong? -How has it affected foreign telecommunications in general? C:UsersMYDocuments2011-1à ­Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ªÃ‚ ¸Ã‚ °Ãƒ ªÃ‚ µÃ‚ ­Ãƒ ¬Ã‚  Ã…“à ªÃ‚ ²Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¬Ã‹Å" Ãƒ «Ã‚ ¡Ã‚  china telecom statistics.jpg After almost 15 years of negotiation, China joined WTO as of 11 December 2001. Before the adhesion, Chinas policy protected the national emerging telecom industries  [3]  while allowing only foreign equipment vendors to invest in Chinas economy.  [4]  The new contract gave entry to foreign investment for up to 49% of one of the local companys share in the 17 largest cities in China.  [5]   As well as other markets, Chinas telecommunication market is expected to grow very rapidly especially if open to foreign service suppliers. The whole market generated over $130 billion in 2010 and is expected to grow by an average rate of 8.8% in for the next five years. Thus overtaking Japan and becoming the leader in the Asian market.  [6]  For foreign investors, those odds were quite attracting. The Reality -Why has Vodafone still held a minority stake in CMHK? -What factors do you think have inhibited Vodafones investment in the Chinese telecommunications market? Still, even after the entry in the WTO, Chinas telecommunication market stayed under the large influence of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII). The maximum level of stake ownership was set up to 49% under WTO agreement but no foreign telecommunication companies got close to that number. Vodafone, for example, was planning to increase its share up to 20% by 2005; in 2009 the 3.2% was still the reality. The main problem in the Chinese market is a multitude of complex and multi-layered political, economic and cultural factors.  [7]  China is still operated with ancient art of Guanxi (network of contacts)  [8]  and MII is considered to be both regulator and party in Chinese telecommunication market. So even if the contract allows some expansion for foreign companies, the huge bureaucracy makes investing in China a long and laborious process. China Unicom and SK Telecom -What has China Unicom done in its attempt to remain competitive? What are the advantages and challenges of such a strategy, and how effective do you think it will be? In 2006, a few years after the entry of Vodafone in the Chinese market, SK Telecom of South Korea invested $1 billion in China Unicom. In total the South Korean firm received about 7% of the company shares in return of this investment. The great advantage for the Chinese giant was a possibility for a technological advancement. The two firms would now work together on handset development and IP sharing. China Unicom could then have a glance at foreign technology, just like their main competitor did 6 years ago with Vodafone. For SK Telecom, the transaction was also a great advancement. It allowed them to gain entry in the protected Chinese market and escape the South Korean saturated market. On the other hand, as part of the contract, China Telecom had to accept SK Telecom as the sole partner until the end of 2007.  [9]  In technology business, one year and a half tied to only one partner could hold you backward. Another foreign company could release a great new technological advancement and it would be impossible for China Unicom to get their hands on it. The Third Giant: China Telecom -What actions do you think China Telecom should take, given the competitive position of the CMHK-Vodafone and China Unicom-SK Telecom partnership? The telecommunication market in China has been quite homogeneous so far. Looking for foreign partnership could be a way to get a hand on advanced technology or management system that would give the firm a competitive advantage over their competitors, especially since the two other leading companies already stepped forward by accepting foreign investment. With that in mind, China Telecom should get into a serious search for a foreign partner in order to keep up with the competition. But what if those foreign partnerships were not as successful as planned? In fact, in September 2010, Vodafone sold their 3.2% stakes in China Mobile, pocketing $6.5 billion which is nearly twice the original investment4. After the sale, CMHK and Vodafone will continue to cooperate in areas such as roaming, network roadmap development, multinational customers, and green technology and so on  [10]  . Vodafone left with a profit and the alliance stayed but most of the cooperation died in the separation process. What about China Unicom and SK Telecom? Well in November 2009, the Korean firm sold the whole 3.8% stake of China Unicom to unknown buyer(s). SKT also earned more than 50% of their initial investment but abandoned their business plans in China. China Unicom dropped CDMA business, which was SKTs main strength, and absorbed China Netcoms GSM part and decided to focus on GSM. However, SKT is continuing cooperation in technology and conversion service area.  [11]   Accepting foreign investment is not a definite key to success. As said before, China used to be a quite closed and homogeneous market, so as the customers. Outsiders may have a hard time to understand how to conduct business in China and how to understand the needs of its people. In brief, the most important is for the host company to analyze how foreign firm could help them in their actual market and if the fusion can be done efficiently. Surely in a few years there will be a lot of success story in the telecommunication firm in China, but for now China Telecom is better not to jump on the first offering.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparison Between the Play and Movie Versions of Death and the Maiden :: English Literature

Comparison Between the Play and Movie Versions of Death and the Maiden There is a significant difference between the play and movie versions of Death and the Maiden. The movie version emphasizes visual and sound effects, while the play highlights the importance of language. The movie version starts by playing a section from Schubert’s quartet Death and the Maiden. After the melodious music, viewers immediately see and hear lightening outside a small house as well as ocean waves clash against rocks. This contrast not only shocks the viewers, it also prepares them for the upcoming â€Å"action† in the movie. However, the play presents a different perspective. There are only two sentences that cover the above scene, â€Å"Sound of the sea. After midnight.† This simple language will generate imaginations inside readers’ mind and let them create their own movies. The movie version adds more stage directions to create an additional dramatic situation. We first saw Paulina cooking in the kitchen while listening to the radio. She then hears from the radio that Gerardo Escobar has been selected to be the head of the commission. She immediately drops the knife and walks out of the kitchen furiously. However, the above situation does not actually exist in the play Death and the Maiden. The play states that Paulina was sitting in a chair drinking before she heard a car stopped in front of her beach house. The movie version gives viewers evidences that Paulina knew Gerardo Escobar and was not happy about him being the head of the commission. The movie also adds a dialogue between Gerardo Escobar and Roberto Miranda. The main focus in the dialogue is the same as the â€Å"monologue† by Gerardo in the play. However, we can learn from the dialogue that a guy named Roberto Miranda helped Gerardo to get home. We can also tell from Paulina’s facial expression that she was shocked to hear Miranda’s voice. I like the added stage directions in the movie because it made me became very curious about what is going to happen next. The play’s beginning was no as interesting as the movie’s. I also liked the acting in the movie.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Tiger Mom Essay

In reading â€Å"Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom† by Amy Chua, I was surprised how Chua shared in detail about her life journey as a parent and raising two children. This is a book about Amy Chua’s experiences in raising her two daughters, Sophia and Luisa (Lulu), in what she believes is the â€Å"Chinese mother† style of parenting. She is quick to point out in the first chapter, entitled â€Å"The Chinese Mother,† that she uses the term â€Å"loosely† as it would be ridiculous to try to assume that every mother from China is a like a tiger mom.Just as â€Å"Western parents† would not be an appropriate label to place on every parent from Western countries. In this same chapter she references a study where â€Å"50 Western American mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers† were polled on the role of parents in children’s academic success; with â€Å"70% of Western mothers believed ‘stressing academic success is not good for t he children’ or ‘parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun’† versus nearly â€Å"0% of the Chinese mothers felt the same way.† Although she states there are several studies that support this theory, I would not put too much credence in this particular study since the pool is too small and there are a lot of â€Å"Western American mothers† with different style of parenting. A â€Å"Western American mother† can be from as far west as Hawaii or from as northeast as Maine; then there is everyone in between.She also gives us a list of what a Chinese mother’s belief system entails: â€Å"schoolwork always comes first; an A-minus is a bad grade; your children must be two years ahead of their classmates in math; you must never compliment your children in public; if your child ever disagrees with a teacher or coach, you must always take the side of the teacher or coach; (6) the only activities your children should be permitted to do are those in which they can eventually medal; and that medal must be gold. † This list seems a little extreme to me, but I guess it just depends on what you are brought up to believe is the norm.When you do not know anything different, this is normal, expected and accepted. As I began to read the book, I quickly realized Amy Chua is very pro â€Å"Chinese† parenting style. In chapter four, â€Å"The Chuas,† she described how her and her sisters were to speak only in Chinese in the home; â€Å"drilled math and piano everyday;† and they were not allowed to attend sleepovers at friends’ homes. Yet, she also tells of the time when she forged her father signature in order to apply to a school in the East Coast after her father had already said she was going to attend the University of California at Berkeley, where he was a professor.Here I saw a bit of a rebellion, which she will come to see later in the book with her daughter Lulu. Throughout the book, I saw many examples of how Chua compared â€Å"Chinese† parenting to â€Å"Western† parenting. This is especially true in chapter 10, â€Å"Teeth Marks and Bubbles. † She tells the story of how she had called her eldest daughter, Sophia, garbage for something Chua believed to be â€Å"extremely disrespectful†, although she never mentioned the offense. She says her father had called her the same thing when she was disrespectful to her mother. However, according to her, it did not damage her self-esteem.However, when she retold this story at friend’s dinner party, she was immediately looked upon with disdain and felt shunned by those around her. She goes on stating the three big differences between the mindsets of Chinese and Western parents. First, Western parents worry about a child’s self-esteem and are more concerned with the child’s psyche, whereas Chinese parents don’t. Chinese parents â€Å"assume strength, not fra gility, and as a result they behave very differently. † Second, Chinese parents feel their children should be indebted to them for the sacrifices the parents made on their children’s behalf.Therefore, they â€Å"must spend their lives repaying their parents by obeying them and making them proud. † Most Western parents do not feel the need to apply that same pressure on their children. Third, Chua claims Chinese parents believe they know what is best for their children and feel entitled to supersede all of their children’s choices and/or decisions. In this particular instance, I believe a most parents, not only Chinese parents, believe they know what is best for their children. Chinese parents take it a step further and do not allow choices for their children, whereas Western parents do allow their child to have choices.Although Chua argues in favor of the Chinese parenting style, she is merely stating the differences between the two approaches and the one she prefers. She lets us into her world and walks us through her trials and tribulations with the â€Å"Chinese mother† approach she elected to follow. Where this style of parenting had worked with her and her sisters and to some extent her eldest daughter, Sophia, however Lulu was not so accepting. Near the end of the book, specifically in Chapter 31 â€Å"Red Square,† everything comes to a boil as she has, yet, another fight with Lulu at the GUM cafe.After the fight, Chua runs away into the Red Square to be with her thoughts, then has an epiphany and realizes that Lulu was rebelling against her and her â€Å"Chinese mother† style of parenting. When she returns to the cafe, she informs Lulu that she had won and she would be allowed to make her own choices and quit the violin. Do I favor this type of parenting? The style of parenting Chua describes in her memoir is that of an authoritarian parenting style, which â€Å"emphasizes high standards and a tendency to control kids through shaming, the withdrawal of love, or punishments† (http://www.parentingscience. com/chinese-parenting. html).This style I do not agree with. In fact, according to Dr. Gwen Dewar, â€Å"authoritarian parenting is linked with lower levels of self-control, more emotional problems, and lower academic performance. † Dr. Dewar is more in favor of an authoritative parenting that involves the same emphasizes of high standards, but also involves â€Å"parental warmth and a commitment to reason with children† (http://www. parentingscience. com/chinese-parenting. html).There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for your children, wanting them to succeed and instilling a hard-work ethic and providing guidance, however it should not be at the expense of the child’s psychological well being. Even though it looks like Chua’s daughter, Sophia, had benefited from this style of parenting, they may just begin to realize they could have possibly achieved the same results without the extreme harassment. Only time will tell if Chua’s daughters will end up resenting her as her father ended up resenting and detaching himself from his family after disagreeing with his authoritarian mother.Especially Lulu, who was the most difficult one. As stated in the beginning, this is a book on how a â€Å"Chinese mother† style of parenting was used by Amy Chua and the results she had with this style. Although, I may not agree with all of the aspects of this style, it does have its pros; such as wanting your child to the best that they can be and its cons; such as the belittling of a child can never be good. This was never intended to be a â€Å"How to Guide† to parent your children, as Chua stated in an interview after the book was released (http://abcnews. id=12628830).Chua has received a lot criticism from many people, but I agree with her, this is n ot a guide to parent a child. The reason being is that each child is unique in its own way. What may be a good approach for one, it not necessarily good for another. As she acknowledged in her book, â€Å"When Chinese parenting succeeds, there’s nothing like it. But it doesn’t always succeed. † However, at the end of the day you make the decision you feel is right for you and your family and adjust, as needed, as you go along.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Katherine Stocked, The Help Analysis Essays

Katherine Stocked, The Help Analysis Essays Katherine Stocked, The Help Analysis Essay Katherine Stocked, The Help Analysis Essay My thoughts on this book was that I thought It could have been more interesting, but it felt very realistic. Another thought on this book was it was very dramatic in its own ways. With Miss Hilly getting everybody to turn on Skitter and Skitter having to deal with all the cold shoulders. What this book says about people in general (theme) is that everyone has there own problems and will react deferent ways to every situation. The way the white women In the book react to the help using their toilets, acting Like they have a disease. 99% of all colored diseases are carried In the urine. Compared throughout the story it seems like they start to somewhat respect the help, except the nest who helped write the book. Today we respect catheter a lot more than we did back then. Over all I would say that what this book says about people in general is that the way people react to one thing will differ from the other. The main characters In this book are Skitter, Albanian, and Mainly. The way Skitter changes Is a good change. She starts to look at the world around her and see all the problems In it. Its Like she Isnt blinded from the fake reality that everything Is fine and sees all the problems that are happening. Kind of like she had a reality check and found out that her maid had died, her best friend is a diva, that her mother is going to die from cancer, and the people she can only really turn to is the help which is basically against their laws. Abilene doesnt change at all. If anything she opens up more after writing the book with Skitter. Other than that she has not changed. Mainly has become strong enough to actually leave her husband. If she was strong before she just might be invincible now. Ninny hasnt changed much she just as even more courage than before. The author, Katherine Stocked, has been somewhat successful in creating a good piece of literature. I feel like she was trying to target the Juniors when in reality it targeted the adults. This was a slow read so it was very hard for me to keep interest In this book. Other than that she has produced an excellent book. It has very realistic scenes that may have happened In 1962-1964. For routines added to make this a good point of view type book. I feel like the author has done an outstanding Job on making this book a success.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pollution in Bangladesh essays

Pollution in Bangladesh essays Bangladesh is apparently now in the grip of all sorts of pollution, like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and what not. Dwellers of the urban areas are the worst sufferers. The indiscriminate industrialization process in Bangladesh over the past decades has created significant environmental problems. Among the most significant is the enormous volume of solid waste which is being produced every day but not be disposed properly. The mismanagement of the solid wasted, particularly the polythene shopping bag has caused serious threat to the soil, public health, and drainage system in the cities. The drainage system is about to collapse, About five to six feet of polythene layers have developed at places at the bottom of many rivers and other water bodies. As a non-biodegradable environmental hazard it has already wreaked havoc in public sanitation, not to speak of the irreparable damage its further use could inevitably bring to our life system. Environmental Engineering deals with the study of the technical processes, which can be used for minimizing pollution and environmental impact. Environmental engineering creates the capability of practical application of environmental studies in the real life. The Environmental engineers must play unique rolls to identify the aspects of various environmental issues, emphasize on studying the problem and create public awareness to conserve the environment. The protection of the environment from the potentially deterious effects of human activity, the protection of human populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors, and the improvement of environmental quality for human health and well being are the major concerns of environmental engineering. Hence the polythene plight also must be a distinct cause of action for environmental engineering and its various sides should be dealt from the socio-economic point of view. On the 1st of March 2002 The Govt. banned the ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Managing Personal and Organisational Changes Essay

Managing Personal and Organisational Changes - Essay Example This means that management and change skills will determine the nature of actions taken by a manager in dynamic situations. From a theoretical perspective, change management needs substantial utilisation of appropriate planning and implementation tools. According to Dobson and Woodward (2012), failure to employ appropriate techniques in managing change results in underachievement, and shortcomings resulting from missed objectives. Therefore, leaders and individuals involved in change management should be thoroughly equipped with relevant knowledge or experience. Relevant knowledge is usually available in college and university course works involving change management. In this regard, change management theories find significant application even in practical situations. Change management takes into consideration numerous aspects of organisational structure and typical cultures. Organisations comprise employees, stakeholders and consumers of either products or services. These parties ar e usually sensitive to changes that may affect their part in the organisation. On the other hand, organisations need to adjust and adapt to changing business environments in order to cope with new developments. ... In such cases, a leader should possess relevant professional skills coupled with intuitive personal skills in order to manage change. Change processes are systematic and sensitive situations that require thorough analysis of underlying problems. Careful analysis ensures that managers can objectively identify the need for change, and the processes meant to achieve desired changes. In this context, any objective change should be rational, measurable and achievable. Analysis of Case Study After planning change steps, organisational managers will have to depend on employees to implement desired adjustments. In this regard, managers need to objectively analyse imminent situations and communicate findings to the subordinates and stakeholders. Cameron (2004) states that thorough analysis will enable people to understand the need for change; hence they can participate in creating new structures. At this juncture, this essay seeks to demonstrate the application of change management theories a nd models within practical situations. In September 2012, universities in England had plans to raise tuition fees to approximately ?9,000 annually. These plans raged amid tremendous budget slices by the government to institutions of higher learning. The UK government is encouraging universities across the nation including Scottish, Welch and Irish institutions to consider raising their tuition fees. This plan is in line with the government’s strategy of striving to reduce utilisation of taxpayer’s money in learning practices, and in turn leave the burden with the student population. In the past, government allowed English universities to charge approximately ?3,300 per year. In this context, it is evident that new charges of ?9,000 amount to a major change

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Facilities Management Programmes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Facilities Management Programmes - Essay Example At the same time, the government has also been committed to the provision of better services in the health, transport, education and other key sectors. In addition, the economies of scale have forced many companies to outsource the services of other companies, and have been observed across the board, for both the private and the public sectors (Wood 2007). The emphasis here of course, has been a need to have growth in such sectors as education, healthcare and utilities. The government too has largely been credited for the outsourcing programmes in the public sector, in a quest to improve and upgrade accommodation, housing and other related services. To this end, the design, finance, build and operate contracting has especially found use in hospitals and schools (CFM 2002). The upgrading and support services provision of outmoded facilities has also not been left out. Given the needs as well as the projected growth of the facilities market in the united kingdom, it is only in order that there be qualified and well trained property managers who will comfortably handle such issue as space design and management, the procurement of facilities, the computation and analysis of facilities costs, as well as the handling of taxation of the same (Chapman 2008). With the rapid rise in technology, and the bar in the ma... rs, it is also important that those managers receives the latest training on computer-aided management of facilities, so as to keep abreast with the dynamic changes in the sector. The onus is on the administrators of the institutions of higher learning in the United Kingdom that offers course if facilities or property management to ensure that their graduates receive training that in s in line with the market requirements (CFM 2002). Otherwise, there is every possibility that they will not only be overtaken by technological changes, but also that they may not impact positively as future property managers. 2. Problem statement The prevailing global credit crunch has especially handed the property market a serious blow. Owing to the numerous losses that these clients may have suffered, there is every need for the industry to ensure that they win back the confidence of the consumers. At the same time, the housing market and the real estate businesses are progressing fast against a backdrop of reducing building space (CFM 2002). This has thus ensured that the property procurement protocols have become more compels by the day. Globalization has also ensured that investors put their money in diversified locations whose property rules differ, and this means that a property managers has to keep abreast with the advances in development of the industry. For this reason, there is a need that the institutions of learning are able to tailor their programmes to suit the need of the market (Nutt & McLennan 2000). Furthermore, clients are becoming sophisticated by the day, while competition in the facilities management demands astute management skills, prompting the industry to seek out shrewd property managers who cab be able to wither the storm (Graham & Price 2000). The